
NZTODAY-RV Lifestyle Magazine

New Zealand's Preeminent RV Lifestyle Magazine.

Read the great stories in NZTODAY-RV Lifestyle magazine to discover the people, places and panoramas that make New Zealand so unique, all told through the personal experiences of our well-travelled writers. Explore our beautiful walks, cycle and hiking trails. Visit the special spots, “must-do’s” and always-wanted-to-see places in our country.

Be inspired by the interests and passions of those who call New Zealand home. Check out our informative RV vehicle reviews, RV lifestyles and meet Caspar, the RV Lifestyle dog. We have plenty of competitions to win latest release books, event tickets and more.

A quality glossy perfect-bound publication averaging 132 pages per issue. Bi-monthly – 6 issues per year. Join the move to NZTODAY-RV Lifestyle family.



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Delivery of the first physical edition will be the next published issue. A bi-monthly title can take up to eight weeks delivery time from the date of order. Publication dates are the first week of May, July, September, November, January, March. Digital editions will start from the current issue On Sale at the time.

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