SPECIAL NZToday-RV Lifestyle Walk & Cycle Trails ‘Collector Edition’ 2022…
The perfect Christmas Gift for yourself and others to help inspire and plan your local and nationwide travel experiences. Quality A4 glossy publication, 178 pages packed full of inspiration and excitement on the trails and walkways of New Zealand.
Featuring a collection of both the North and South Island’s favourite Great Walking and Cycling trails, plus Heartland and Urban trails countrywide from our RV-NZToday Lifestyle publication, plus new regions featured.
A ‘must have’ publication for those planning travel and adventure – both within their own domestic region, and around New Zealand from Northland’s Cape Reinga to Southland’s Stewart Island. 7 Great Walks, 11 Great Rides including 4 of the Top E-Bike rides in the country, plus Rural Heartland and Urban trails explored.
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